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sâmbătă, 26 iunie 2010

Short Introduction in Nuclear Physics

Nuclear physics illustrated

PHYSICS is a natural science that studies matter and the motion of matter in space-time. Since the beginning of mankind, we have tried to explain everything we see, hear, feel, making supernatural efforts to understand phenomena "unrolling under our noses". Mankind searched for answers to questions like: why are we here? or how it all began? or is there extraterrestrial life? and many more. These questions can be seen from a philosophical or a scientific point of view.

We now know that our Universe is made of tiny particles (when I say "tiny" I mean really really really small) held together by all sort of forces to form all the objects we recognize with our 5 senses. These particles were named ATOMS.

If objects are made out of atoms, what are atoms made of?

An atom is made of the NUCLEUS and the ELECTRONIC CLOUD.

If the atom is made of the nucleus and the electronic cloud, then what are these made of?

The electrons (as far as we know) have no inner structure. The nucleus on the other hand is made of PROTONS and NEUTRONS. Protons are pozitive-charged particles (whereas electrons are negative-charged particles); and neutrons (like the name suggests) are neutral from an electrical charge point of view. Almost the entire mass of an atom is concentrated in the nucleus, which is a lot more heavier that the electronic cloud. The atom is electrically stable, being composed of a pozitive nucleus and a negative electron cloud.

If we use the letter "Z" to express the number of electrons and "A" the number of particles in the nucleus, then "N" being equal to A-Z will be the number of neutrons. Keep in mind that the number of protons is equal to the number of electrons.

Imagine an atom similar to our solar system. The Sun being in the middle (it represents the pozitive nucleus) and the planets orbiting around it (they represent the negative electrons). This is the so-called Planetary Model of the Atom (I will cover this subject later).

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